Donor Privacy Statement  

Foodbank Victoria abides by the Fundraising Act 1998 and is a registered Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) and Income Tax Exempt Charity (ITEC). Foodbank Victoria is registered to fundraise with Consumer Affairs Victoria under the Fundraising Act 1998. 

Foodbank Victoria engages in fundraising and marketing activities and events in support of the provision of services to clients and abides by the principles as set out in the Privacy Act 1988. Foodbank Victoria complies with the relevant privacy principles under the Act (inclusive of the Australian Privacy Principles which came into effect from 12 March 2014).  

Further information on Australian Privacy Laws can be readily found on the website of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, located at 

Foodbank Victoria is committed to protecting and maintaining the privacy, accuracy and security of all donor information including the financial level of their support.  

Foodbank Victoria respects and upholds a donor’s right to privacy protection in regulating how we collect, use, disclose and hold personal information. Foodbank Victoria has a policy and set of procedures to ensure that only authorised staff will have access to personal information and that it remains confidential and will only be used for appropriate purposes and in accordance with this notice.  

This Donor Privacy Statement gives important privacy rights to individuals but also recognises the rights of Foodbank Victoria to achieve its fundraising objectives in an efficient way.  

Foodbank Victoria may, without notice, amend or modify its Donor Privacy Statement by posting the amended Statement to the Foodbank Victoria website.  


Donation is a voluntary contribution by a donor of money, property, goods or services to the organisation for the purpose of furthering the objectives of the organisation.  

Donor is an individual or entity who willingly makes a contribution of value to the organisation. 

Fundraiser is a person who carries out activities for the purpose of raising funds for the objectives of the organisation.  

Organisation is an entity incorporated under Commonwealth or State law and established for a purpose other than profit which is Foodbank Victoria.  


The organisation collects personal information for a variety of fundraising programs to enable Foodbank Victoria to carry out its work and deliver services to its clients and the community. These include but are not limited to:  

  • Direct Mail 
  • Special Events 
  • Bequests / Planned Giving
  • Community Support 
  • Digital Marketing 
  • Corporate Relationships 
  • Product / Merchandise Sales
  • Capital Fundraising Campaigns
  • Tele-fundraising 
  • Trusts, Grants & Foundations 
  • Collection of food and donations 

Collection of personal information  

Foodbank Victoria collects personal information only by lawful and fair means. Collection is through a number of ways including but not limited to:  

  • calling Foodbank Victoria for information on fundraising and events 
  • by participating in one of Foodbank Victoria’s events 
  • response to fundraising campaigns 
  • purchase of products and/or merchandise. 

Foodbank Victoria may also collect personal information in other ways, E.g. through the purchase of commercial lists and from publicly available sources such as the telephone directory.  

The information we may collect will be identification information such as name, home, business, and/or postal address, telephone numbers, email address, date of birth, etc.  

The organisation is bound by taxation law to retain detailed financial records of donor activity for seven years including donor details and the level of their financial support.  

Foodbank Victoria does not collect any information about racial or ethnic origin, political opinions or membership, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade association or union membership, sexual preferences or criminal record unless:  

  • the individual has consented, or
  • the collection is required by law, or 
  • the collection is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim. 

Foodbank Victoria will always collect such information in a non-intrusive, lawful and fair manner.  

Storage and Security of personal information 

Foodbank Victoria will endeavour to take all reasonable steps to keep personal information accurate and up to date. We ensure this information is securely stored to protect it from loss, misuse or unauthorised access, disclosure or modification. Information is destroyed or permanently de-identified when it is no longer required for any purpose for which it was collected.  

Foodbank Victoria will only use and disclose personal information with the donor’s consent, unless such uses are permitted by law, including without limitation those prescribed by the Australian Privacy Principles –  

Foodbank Victoria employees, volunteers and data processors are obliged to respect the confidentially of any personal information held by the organisation. Donor information within the Foodbank Victoria database is required to be stored with a high level of security to prevent unauthorised access. Additional protections are required to be in place for confidential and financial information including: 

  1. Enforcement of user-based permissions to restrict access to confidential donor information, ensuring only employees and volunteers whose jobs require access to this information are granted permissions.  
  1. Secure encryption of all donor credit card and bank account details.  

Foodbank Victoria will use mailing houses, consultants and data cleansing agencies. Service providers are only used where a confidentiality agreement is in place that upholds the Australian Privacy Principles to ensure that donor privacy is protected.  

The online facility for donations to Foodbank Victoria and the purchase of online shopping products via the Foodbank Victoria website is secure and encrypted. Transmissions over the Internet are never 100% secure or error-free. However, Foodbank Victoria and its service providers take reasonable steps to protect personal information from loss, misuse, and unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.  

Cross-Border Transfers  

Personal information may be stored in any country where Foodbank Victoria’s service providers have facilities which may have different data protection rules than those of Australia.  

Use of cookies  

Cookies are pieces of information that a web site transfers to a computer’s hard disk for record keeping purposes. Most web browsers are set to accept cookies. Foodbank Victoria use cookies to make use of the website and services as convenient as possible. Cookies do not themselves personally identify users, although they do identify a user’s browser. Cookies are involved in allowing Foodbank Victoria to record how many people are using the different parts of the site, including our donation pages. It is possible to set the browser to refuse cookies; however, this may limit the services provided by Foodbank Victoria’s website.  

Access and Correction of your Information  

A donor has the right to make a request of the organisation to access their personal information which is being held by the organisation. This request is to be made in writing and the information will be provided at no charge to the donor.  

A donor has the right to make a request to make amendments to the donor’s records held by the organisation if these records are in the donor’s opinion incomplete, incorrect, out-of-date or misleading.  

There are some exemptions relating to access within the Privacy Act 1988 and Code of Fair Information Practice (COFI). Email the Privacy Officer at Foodbank Victoria at to discuss access to your file. 

Opting out or modifying personal information  

Each time we send a direct marketing communication we will provide a simple way to ‘opt out’ or unsubscribe. Donors of the organisation may request to be removed from the database or for communication to cease by notifying the organisation in writing, email, phone, facsimile or by marking the appropriate box on the organisation’s marketing or fundraising material.  

Occasionally Foodbank Victoria will share donor details with like-minded organisations both inside and outside Australia. Those organisations allow us to do the same and this way we can reach more people with vital information. An opt-out option is always provided for people who do not want the organisation to share their details. Such details will be recorded by the organisation in a timely manner as the notification is received, provided this does not affect any legal requirements.  

Complaint about Breach of Privacy Principles  

Breaches of privacy should first be discussed with our Privacy Officer by email:  However, if you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint you can then refer the matter to the Privacy Commissioner (Commonwealth Government Office of the Privacy Commissioner). Tel: 1300 363 992 National Relay Service: 1300 555 727 or 1800 555 727  

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Red Tomato Graphic
Purple Ladle Graphic
Orange Fruit Graphic
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